Be Patient

Have you ever felt led by God to something new and then turn around and feel like He is nowhere to be found? Things happen in our life and start making us question His calling. We say something like, “God you called me to this, but why am I not seeing the fruits of myContinueContinue reading “Be Patient”

Who Am I??

Do you ever have this question? I know I did for years! I tried for so long to “find” myself through jobs, goals, career dreams, etc. No matter how many “successes” I had, the defeats always lingered around and suffocated out any hope. But when it all came crashing down and I realized life isContinueContinue reading “Who Am I??”


I am so thankful that God chooses to not remember my sins. He never forgets them, because how could you forget being crucified for someone’s sins?? Instead He chooses not to remember our sins anymore when we confess them to Him. He doesn’t write them down and hold them against us like we do inContinueContinue reading “Forgiveness”

Living Above the Status Quo {Anchor of Promise #45}

We can want to do the right things and STILL fall short of the mark of perfection. Why? Why did God lay out things in the Bible that almost seem so impossible to reach? The answer is because He first wants us to see that we CANNOT do it on our own. He wants us to then see that we indeed need the help of the Holy Spirit who was given to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Which Way Should I Go? {Anchor of Promise #33}

Anchor of Promise #33 The Bible is our Hope! Romans 15:4 “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” Before I had a GPS, maps or mapquest were my go-to’s for road trips. You could see your start andContinueContinue reading “Which Way Should I Go? {Anchor of Promise #33}”

Hush little baby don’t you cry..Anchor of Promise #6

Venting to friends or family doesn’t always take away the pain or hurt that we still carry. God is the only one who can “quiet us with His love.”

I’m Known by the Famous One! Anchor of Promise #4

Cling your anchor to the rock of this Promise. That being faithful to God in prayer and seeking His guidance from the Bible, He knows you by name. He knows you are a faithful follower and wants to bless you.

Money problems?

One of the top fears most humans face is finances or lack there of. How in the world do I pay my bills when I don’t generate that much income? How am I going to get through this month and feed my kids or put gas in my car?