Who Am I??


Do you ever have this question?
I know I did for years! I tried for so long to “find” myself through jobs, goals, career dreams, etc.
No matter how many “successes” I had, the defeats always lingered around and suffocated out any hope. But when it all came crashing down and I realized life is not about finding “me”, God showed me through the Bible that my worth is not based on successes, goals, titles, money etc. But is in the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for my sins..by faith, believing and receiving that as my payment for my sin, I have an identity that outshines the ones I chased after..because it’s not ME but CHRIST.
I have been saved since I was 8 yrs old, but lived defeated because I never claimed my identity in Christ.
If you struggle with this, I challenge you to look up the following passages to see for yourself what you have in Christ! Identity in Christ only comes after you are saved..what does saved mean??, well first you must accept we have sinned and fall short of God’s glory and our punishment is Hell..(Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23) and that ONLY Jesus is the one that could save us (John 14:6; John 3:16), by faith believe and receive what Jesus did on the cross and rising again from the dead, was enough for you to be saved from Hell and inherit our identity in Christ (Romans 10:9)
..once you are saved, God will reveal your identity through His word.
Stop walking defeated Christian! And claim these promises of what YOU HAVE in JESUS!
**If you have questions please message me, I’d love to show you how to get saved or just encourage you to claim these for your own!**
Ephesians 1:5; 1 John 3:1; 1 John 1:9; Colossians 1:21,22 ; Ephesians 1:13 & 2:19; Romans 8: 28, 30
Ephesians 1:7 ; Romans 8:16, 17
2 Corinthians 5:20

Published by anchoredinchrist619

Hello friends! My name is Erin! I am a 33 years old and have always loved finding ways to inspire or encourage others! My husband is my best friend and we have 2 little ones together! (boy and girl) I am not the best speller or grammar writer, but love to share my heart in the best way I can. On my page you will find older posts from when I first started out my blogging journey. And newer ones that show a more "fashionista" feel to it. I would love to incorporate both to inspire you to be your best on the inside as well as on your outside! Beauty starts within. I am an affiliate with Amazon and Target at the moment. So any links you see for clothes, home goods, etc is all linked to my commissioned affiliation. I would be ever so grateful if you used those to shop with, if you like what you see! Now not all links will stay active forever, so if you see a link and it is no longer available, message me or reach out on instagram! ----> my handle name ....anchoredinchrist.619 (make sure the period is there before the numbers!) Hope you enjoy this page as much as I have setting it up! Blessings! Erin

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