Not of this world

​1Peter 2:11-12

Tells us that as believers we are like sojourners just passing through this world. This world is not our home and I found some really awesome links to this concept..

Why is this world not our home?

In John 15:18-23, we see Jesus telling his disciples that if the world hates you, that to remember it hated Jesus first. Remember back when He was born and the attempts Herod had in trying to kill Jesus? Also, Satan tried so many different times to get rid of Jesus through people and he thought he won at the cross. But Jesus had victory that day as well.

Jesus says as well in this passage, that He chose us OUT of this world. We hear that churchy word used alot “sanctification” means to be “set apart” It’s a continual process of God molding us into the likeness of Jesus. There are many verses about being set apart and I want to give you some, I hope you can look them up, it really is just so cool how the Bible all relates:

Romans 12:2; Ephesians 2:10 ; 1Corinthians 6:19; Galatians 2:20; 1Peter 2:9; John 17:15-18 <- Jesus’ prayer for us.

So back in 1Peter 2, that section ends with an encouragement. That we live our lives “set apart”,or sanctified, to Christ, so that others that are not saved can see a difference and will want Jesus. If we live like the world who hate Jesus, why would they want to turn to Him? We glorify God with our testimony for Him. We give Him a rep with our lives and the way we live out His amazing love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness to those around us.

So I want to encourage you and me, to remember we are just passing through (the song I’ll fly away just popped in my head)..don’t allow things of this world to steal your love, joy, and testimony for Jesus. If you struggle with living like the world, I’d encourage you to read Isaiah 57:18 and Lamentations 3:22,23,25,26,40-42, He wants to restore you, it’s never too late and you are NEVER too far gone.❤❤

Published by anchoredinchrist619

Hello friends! My name is Erin! I am a 33 years old and have always loved finding ways to inspire or encourage others! My husband is my best friend and we have 2 little ones together! (boy and girl) I am not the best speller or grammar writer, but love to share my heart in the best way I can. On my page you will find older posts from when I first started out my blogging journey. And newer ones that show a more "fashionista" feel to it. I would love to incorporate both to inspire you to be your best on the inside as well as on your outside! Beauty starts within. I am an affiliate with Amazon and Target at the moment. So any links you see for clothes, home goods, etc is all linked to my commissioned affiliation. I would be ever so grateful if you used those to shop with, if you like what you see! Now not all links will stay active forever, so if you see a link and it is no longer available, message me or reach out on instagram! ----> my handle name ....anchoredinchrist.619 (make sure the period is there before the numbers!) Hope you enjoy this page as much as I have setting it up! Blessings! Erin

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